About Us
Portland Chapter #1006
Our USA Dance Portland Chapter is a non-profit organization dedicated to promote and support ballroom dance for youth and adults of all ages to strengthen the greater Portland, Oregon community. We strive to grow awareness and participation in the dance sport of Competitive Ballroom Dancing as well as encouraging social dancing with the local dance studios. We are always looking for enthusiastic members and volunteers.
Board Members
The Board members have agreed to serve in the following capacities:
- President, Sonja Tilton
- Vice-President, Vacant
- Treasurer, Lisa Boucher
- Secretary, Vacant
- Members at Large, Gary Gitner, Karen Rash Gitner, Ruby Tang
If you would like to come to a meeting or request information on how you can also help, please send contact us at usadancepdx@gmail.com, or select the appropriate board member on our contact us page.